Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Defence of Biblical Dream Interpretation

I have heard dream interpretation called a "fad", "flaky", and a host of other negative
comments which discredit the practice of dream interpretation, but because the Lord has done so much for me through dreams and visions, I am very passionate in its defense. It saddens me that so much of the body of Christ, and even those in leadership, are ignorant and ambivalent toward hearing from God through dreams and visions because the Lord delivered me from absolutely crippling fear, depression, and a host of other issues, through dreams and visions, and as a result I am an evangelist for Life in the Spirit.

My mission is to recruit the skeptics to live life in the supernatural world of Life in
the Spirit .

The most critical people of dream interpretation likely pray for God to send them a vision but these same people likely haven't the faith to hear from God through their dreams. God says if we are faithful in the little He will give us much. If a person doesn't have the faith to receive a dream from God, they shouldn't expect Him to send a vision or to show up in their bedroom, be cause dreams are the most common way for God to speak to man, followed by His actual manifest presence, then visions. Biblically speaking, God manifested His presence more times than He sent visions. Therefore, going by biblical history, it would be more likely for God to show up in person than to give a person a vision. If a person does not faithfully handle the dreams He is speaking through how can they expect Him to do something which would require even more faith?

Let's not be crazy, y'all

I believe that part of the reason that the traditional church shuns the supernatural is because of the tendency of people to easily become flaky. Although people can get fruity in things of the spirit, the tendency of those people to be fruity should not limit us from seeking God through dreams and visions. People who are flaky will continue to be flaky. People who are well-balanced will continue to be well-balanced. Therefore, if you have a heart for dream interpretation, as I do, it would behoove us to be well-balanced and circumspect in every area so that we can be evangelists for life in the spirit. We need to constantly be ambassadors for Christ and should always work toward using the examples of our lives to draw people deeper into the things of God instead of repelling them from the deeper things of Christ. If people can see that it is possible to be completely spirit led and flowing in the supernatural while all the while remaining sane, then they might be more likely to open their hearts to flowing in the supernatural life in the spirit themselves.

Matthew 13:44 (NIV) The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

Is there anything more important than hearing from God? Is not one word from the Throne of Heaven worth everything we own? Shouldn't hearing from God be something we take seriously and seek out? The bible says that if we seek we will find, and I believe to the degree that we seek we will find. I am passionate about hearing from God. My entire life is an exercise in waiting for and expecting and seeking a word from God. There is nothing more important in my life than experiencing the Lord. If we approach hearing from God through dreams and visions with ambivalence, or without faith, we will get exactly what we invest - nothing. We will reap exactly what we sow - nothing. But if we approach dreams from Him with anticipation, and great expectation toward hearing from Him, we will reap a harvest of our faith and expectation. To the degree that we seek, believe that we will receive, and invest ourselves, will be to the same degree that we receive from the Throne of Heaven.

Psalm 119:2
2 Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart. NIV

Ask yourself, which do you think will please God more: A person who handled every dream with serious respect, and went to bed every night with anticipation, enthusiasm and hope that they may receive a message from God? Or do you think that He would be more pleased by the doubting Thomas, who has little regard for all that "dream interpretation business", in spite of published bible history and knowledge that the most common biblical form of communication between God and man is, and has always been, through dreams?

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