Purpose & Place for Dreams Part 2
This page is especially created for those of use who
are the most enthusiastic about dream interpretation -
especially if your dreams foretell prophetic events.
When an individual first begins to experience
supernatural manifestations in their dreams, or when
they begin to experience supernatural gifts and
revelations from God, it is common and very easy to
get caught up in the awe inspiring elements involved
because they are, well, phenomenal. I created this
page because It is imperative that we remember that
no matter how accurate the manifestations of
revelations that we receive are, or no matter how
amazing the prophetic manifestations of foretelling
are, our pursuit is going deeper in our fellowship and
relationship with God. Our pursuit is not focusing on
the manifestations of the supernatural.
I am not saying loving the supernatural aspect of our
spiritual life in Christ is wrong what I am saying is don't
worship the supernatural, worship God. If all of your
focus is on your dreams and supernatural gifts then
your focus is in the wrong place. Our pursuit is not
chasing the supernatural gifts and abilities but the
Giver of those things. It is very easy to begin to
worship the gift instead of the Giver. If all your focus
and your attention is on your dreams, the
manifestations of your dreams, and/or the meanings
of your dreams and not focused on God, you may be
on thin ice.
The true purpose of our dreams and visions is to be
led of God, to hear from Him and respond to His
direction, and to bring us into a closer, more
interactive, fellowship with our Father - dreams are not
to lead us even farther away.
Imagine being in a new relationship and chatting via
email, instant message and even snail mail. Imagine
how your new love would feel if you went about your
life adoring his text messages and letters but paid him
absolutely no attention because all of your attention
was fixed on his messages to you. Something seems
startlingly wrong with that picture, doesn't it? But it is
amazing the number of people who do exactly that
when they begin to fully realize the supernatural fabric
that prophetic dreams are woven from. I am teaching
you this principle from experience.
When I first began to realize how amazingly God
moves in dreams and visions was when the prophetic
dreams He was giving me began to come to pass. I
saw so many amazing things that I was in literal shock
for a very long time. It was hard to get my feet back on
the ground and to function normally for a while
because of the things He was showing me.
When I first began to learn about Christian dream
interpretation I began to write down my dreams and
immediately I began to see things materialize in the
newspaper and at church: hurricanes, miracle baby
prophecies, and dozens of other things, and they all
materialized exactly as God had shown me that they
would. To function normally in the beginning was
almost impossible. With that said, I understand the
fascination and how easy it is to get caught up in the
novelty but I encourage you to work hard to avoid this
There is absolutely nothing wrong with being grateful
for His communication and gifts to us but we must
diligently remember that is it Him speaking and it is
His communication to us versus seeing the prophetic
dreams as OUR supernatural dreams and visions.
The awe inspiring element of these incredible
manifestations is directly related to THE ONE who is
Everything Awe Inspiring. The messages are awe
inspiring because He is awe inspiring - they reflect
His Glory and Goodness.
In essence, consciously keep our Wonderful Lord and
Father first. Only then will you know the true riches of
the Kingdom of God.
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