Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Raindrops of Understanding Part 3

Although we live in a world of drive-thru and microwave mentality, God's way of doing things is far different than our way of doing things. I am sure I won't be the first to say, God is usually not early but He is never late. As much as it aggravates us to hear it, God does not rush. How does this apply to dream interpretation, you say? Many of us, when we have a dream, one that we just know came from God we expect it to be understood immediately.

Although it would be wonderful if God showed up in our dreams and spoke to us in crystal clarity so that we had instant understanding, such is usually not the case. The
bible tells us that often God chooses purposely to speak in dark sayings and riddles (Numbers 12) instead of speaking plainly and clearly.

Proverbs 25:2 says, it is the glory of God to conceal a matter and the glory of kings to seek out a matter.

The bible says: Seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened to you, ask and ye shall receive. I can't find one single scripture that says, Don't bother looking, it will come easy to you.

The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl Matt13:44"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his
joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. 45"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46When he found one of great value, he
went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

God wants us to desire something enough to seek it out. He wants us to desire communion with Him so much that we are willing to invest ourselves in it and to want it badly enough to sell everything we have to obtain it - like the pearl of great price that it is.

Dreams are an invitation from God to stop in and hear what He would say to us and that is why they are symbolic. He doesn't necessarily want to give us a message via email or
snail mail, one that we would quickly understand outside of His presence. He wants to talk to us. He wants to enjoy our presence. He loves us and wants to meet with us. Can you imagine your earthly father wanting to talk to you but you didn't have time? Instead you wanted him to just send you an email instead of stopping at his house to hear what he had to say. Symbolic dreams cause us to stop, to get quiet and to fellowship with God, to take time out to hear from Him.

When we take the time to seek God and His presence ther a in will start to all. Oftentimes I tell people who have come for dream interpretation that as we communicate God gives me the interpretation by way of raindrops. The interpretation just drops into my spirit one drop at a time.

Not coincidentally, the Hebrew word nataph can be translated “prophet", the definition of which is to drop, drip, or distill. Revelation raindrops are the revelation that we receive in God's presence, which drops into our spirit one drop at a time.

As we ponder and meditate on a dream, when we enter God's presence the meaning will
begin to come into focus, like the lens of a camera, until finally the complete picture comes into crystal clarity as God drops the revelation into our spirit one raindrop at a time. One of the main reasons for raindrops of understanding is that God is Spirit and those who come to him must come to Him in Spirit....when we are searching out the meaning to a spiritual dream, or meditating on a dream or vision, we step out of the carnal, worldly, mentality and we step into the mentality of the spirit. When we are drawing near to God in Spirit for understanding, we are drawing near to Him.

As we meditate on a dream, our mind is turned toward Him and His messages to us. When we are focused on the message our thoughts are not sifting through a thousand other things at the same time. When we mull over the elements of the dreams and the symbols it actually places us in a position to receive a message of revelation from God that we would not have stopped to listen and give our ear to if we did not receive the symbolic dream.

For this reason, it is very important that YOU learn to interpret your dreams and take the time to learn. God does not want to speak to you through an interpreter for the rest of your life. There may be times that an interpreter will be necessary but that is not the standard.

The standard is that God gives you message dreams because He wants to talk directly to YOU. Then, when you've received revelation go to an interpreter for CONFIRMATION.

He wants us to seek Him, not only for answers to our problems but for Him and His
presence. He loves us and wants to spend time with us. Sometimes, when we are seeking Him for answers it is often the only time we are spending any time seeking Him at all. This begs the question, if I spent more time with God just for God, would my communication from Him be clearer? Perhaps if we spend more time seeking His face the rain will fall a little bit faster.

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